African Institute of Business and Technology

AI in Healthcare
west Africa


May 4: Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Healthcare: Examining Practical Implementations of Cutting-Edge Technology

14:00-15:00 (GMT)

Matthew R. Versaggi (Optum Technology -UnitedHealth Group)

May 4: Algorithms to study placental health and function in Magnetic Resonance images

14:00-16:00 (GMT)

Mazdak Abulnaga (MIT)

May 4: Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare in Africa by Africans

16:00-16:30 (GMT)

Eliane Birba (UCD)

May 5: The Rise and Fall of the Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Hype

15:00-16:30 (GMT)

Leo Anthony Celi (Harvard and MIT)


Dr. Bachir Ismaël OUEDRAOGO

Senior Advisor to the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, Former Minister for Energy, Mines and Careers

May 11: Transforming Healthcare in Africa using Machine Learning

14:00-16:15 (GMT)

Mihaela van der Schaar (University of Cambridge)


Prof Smaïla Ouédraogo

Professor and epidemiologist; Former Minister of Health of Burkina Faso

May 12: Seeing the Future: Image-Based Risk Models

14:00-15:30 (GMT)

Regina Barzilay (MIT)


Hadja Fatimata Ouattara

Former Minister of Development of the Digital Economy and Posts

May 14: We're (not) fine: Lack of fairness in Artificial Intelligence-based medical image diagnostic tools

14:00-16:00 (GMT)

Laleh Seyye-Kalantari ( Lunenfeld Tanenbaum Research Institute)

May 17: Natural Language Processing for Clinical Texts

14:00-16.00 (GMT)

Shivade Chaitanya (Amazon)


Dr. Harouna Kaboré

Consultant; Former Minister of Commerce, Industry and Handicrafts

May 18: Applying AI to Disease Genomics: Asthma, Cancer& Neuropsychiatric Disorders

14:00-16 (GMT)

Mark Gerstein (Yale)

May 19: How does Artificial Intelligence lead to smarter cancer care?

14:00-15:30 (GMT)

Kyung Sung (UCLA)


Dr Sebgo Gérald Ezéchiel

Radiologist/Interventional Imaging Physician

May 20: Disease Intervention Planning with Artificial Intelligence

14:00-16 (GMT)

Charles Wachira (IBM Research)


Prof. Abdramane Bassiahi Soura

Professor of Demography; Director of the ISSP (Institut Supérieur des Sciences de la Population)

May 21: Ethical and Legal Aspects of Artificial Intelligence in Health Care

14:00-16:15 (GMT)

Sara Gerke (Penn State Dickinson Law)


Maitre Bathélémy KERE

Minister of Justice and Human Rights, in charge of relations with institutions, Keeper of the Seals

May 23: Biomedical AI for Precision Health

15:00-16 :30 (GMT)

Hoifung Poon (Microsoft)



Professor of Cardiology; Former MINISTER OF HEALTH

May 24: Using Open Science in Artificial Intelligence (AI) for medicine to save lives


Candace Makeda Moore (Netherlands eScience Center)


Pr SOMÉ Der Adolphe

University Hospital Researcher, Nazi Boni University, President of the Society of Gynecologists and Obstetricians of Burkina (SOGOB), Burkina Faso

May 25: 15. AI/ML in Low Resource Environments: Opportunities and Challenges

14:00-16:00 (GMT)

Robert Vandersluis (GSK)


Prof Séni Mahamadou OUEDRAOGO

Professor of Law; Former Ministry of Public Service, Labor and Social Protection-Burkina Faso

May 26: 9. Clinical Machine Intelligence in an Academic Medical Center: The Stanford AIMI Center Approach

14:00-16:00 (GMT)

Lungren Matt (Amazon et Stanford)


Pr Ousséini DIALLO

Professor of Cardiology; President of the Burkinabe Society of Radiology (SOBURAD)

May 28:13. Artificial Intelligence in the pharmaceutical sector: Opportunities and Challenges

14:00-15:30 (GMT)

Peter Henstock (Pfizer)


Dr. Robert Lucien Jean-Claude KARGOUGOU

Minister of Health and Public Hygiene of Burkina Faso

May 31: AI in healthcare: A perspective from Google

16:00-17 :30 (GMT)

Javier Tordable (Google)



University Professor/Physician< Researcher; Former Minister of Health Burkina Faso

June 1: Machine Learning for in-patient settings

14:00 -15 (GMT)

Xu Minnan (Philips)

June 1: Machine Learning for prenatal ultrasound

15-16 (GMT)

Jonathan Sutton (Philips)



Director General of the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU) pédiatrique Charles de Gaulle de Ouagadougou

June 2: Explainable deep neural networks for medical image analysis

14:30 -16:00 (GMT)

Geras Krzysztof (NYU)


Dr. Tegawendé F. Bissyandé

Coordinator of the Center of Interdisciplinary Excellence in Artificial Intelligence for Development (CITADEL)

June 3: 6. Artificial Intelligence for medical imaging: What do we need, what is out there, and how can we do better?

14:00-16:00 (GMT)

Julien Cohen-Adad (Polytechnique Montreal)


Dr Ouedraogo louis Sylvain peng-wendé

Geriatrician and gerontologist, Burkina Faso